Android phone as a PC alternative

Android phone can do almost any task a computer, ranging from Internet activities to the manufacture and processing of data. This I prove since I lost my beloved Windows 7 computer were damaged hardware, so the computer can not be used anymore, if can, the cost is very expensive.

While my daily activity to do with a computer, yes, as a student and online businesses, Microsoft Office and Mozilla Firefox is a true best friend.
Since I not have a computer, I'm paralyzed activities and makes me nervous because I only have income from the internet.

Then I glanced at the new computer in the store and online store ,but I still can not afford it, until I find deals with small installments, I can not afford that.

Actually I already know Android for a long time, even my very early android in launch know, at that time I was not interested in using because I consider the new system was only for social entertainment only. During this time I only use Java as a phone system and it was very many limitations, but I'm used to.

With Java phones, I began to look at android and comparing it to the computer, it will not be comparable wrought. I became interested in android after I repeatedly searching for information, but I am still hesitant to buy android because it costs half the price of the computer.

Almost one year I am in doubt, I accidentally saw android phones are cheap and attractive, although locally made and supercopy, I examine it and I bought it with misgivings because I was limited money, my money comes from Internet activities.

When cell phones I have received, I am very curious and learn to use Android, the first one I tried was to download and install Mozilla Firefox (read my experiences using Mozilla Firefox), gmail and office applications Wps Office, because it is my main tool. Until I tried a lot of new applications and realize that android indeed remove my anxiety, when I tried to access a paypal account and do blogging, I am very satisfied though not as perfect computer.

In the end I said, my android is now replacing the 95 percent duty my old computer, and please note that my android only to have 512mb RAM, I use it very selectively, I remove apps that I do not need, including default of the phone of course with root access , Well that's proof that I am making this article, hopefully good news for you.

Oh, i forgot to let you know, brand about my android phone is 'Treq R1', very such Samsung S4 desain, i buy it just for $40 in new and promotion deal. 

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