Best Android Browser for Small RAM

Browser is an important application for anyone, since Browser is the entrance into the Internet. There are many types of browser application that you can use, such as the famous Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. But here I will share experiences in choosing and using the Browser for mobile phones that have little RAM, like 512MB RAM, especially for Android, because I use Android with 512MB RAM.

Yes, the RAM is small, we have to be clever to choose the application, I know every gadget already has a default browser, but rest assured that it is not enough. I have tried using the default browser, and I was not comfortable, there are many limitations features and display annoying ads, obviously do I Uninstall the browser.

Then, what browser I use for Android 512MB of RAM? below I share my experience:

1. Mozilla Firefox, before I always use this browser on a PC, but on Android 512MB of RAM, I did not use, because the browser is always automatic close by after a few minutes of use, I just opened three tabs namely Facebook, Twiter, and Blogger, and no other applications are running simultaneously. This browser stops working and closes automatically after 5 minutes of use, I immediately uninstalled.

2. UC Browser, I was quite impressed with the speed and comprehensive features, but after 20 minutes of use, the application is shut down automatically, I also do not like the look in to the site, some sites will look messy in this browser. I also uninstalled.

3. Opera Mini, I like the display that is simple and clean, I also love the speed, but I feel its incomplete and using IP that is not my wish, the browser is also not too light. I also uninstalled this app.

4. Dolphin, they say this browser supports Flash, but when accessing My favorite online survey sites, there are still no notifications is browser does not support Flash, and suggested that I use the browser with Flash support. I also would not know about the features in Dolphin's Flash, which I certainly did not choose this browser because there are too many features, where as I want a little simple but useful. Another reason is the use, I often see the Dolphin is loading a page, but it turns out he did not work at all, I waited too long, it is my experience after using Dolphin for 15 minutes, you would know if I would uninstall this app, or fixed install ,

5. Google Chrome, I use it very comfortable, I do not believe it, I thought it was a heavy browser, but Chrome is able to accompany me for hours, even up to 4 hours without a break, these applications continue to work without problems.

Keep in mind, I turn off all services and auto sync google play, but I still have some applications that run in conjunction with Google Chrome, like Simple World xLocker, Wps Office, Avg Antivirus, fuel, and other applications. Google Chrome never stop working and never closes automatically, very satisfying, even I access it all with ease, such as Blogger and Paypal.

It is now clear answer, the Browser app is best for my RAM 512MB Android is Google Chrome. Do you also feel the same way? if you have a phone with 512MB of RAM, please bookmark this site, because I will always share their experiences and stories about the phone that I use is Android with 512MB RAM, or read my story when switching from PC to your Android phone here.

If you have any tips on small RAM phones, I'm happy to show it on this site, please make a comment below.

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